Cargo collection: every day
Departure from terminal: Fridays
Transit time: Slovenia (Ljubljana) - Lithuania (Vilnius): 4 days
Cargo distribution in Lithuania: in Vilnius – the same day after the truck arrival, other cities in Lithuania – the next day after truck arrival.
Road freight (road cargo transportation) to Slovenia is arranged through the mentioned countries: Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic and Austria.
Transportation by road is carried out in the following cities in the Slovenia: Ljubljana, Maribor, Keil, Kranj and Koper.
Road Freight forwarding and transportation by truck is also arranged to (from) other cities or terminals that are not mentioned.
AD REM Transport provides road freight forwarding services by land transport to (from) all the European countries.
- Transportation of oversize shipments;
- International shipping, freight forwarding, cargo collection (pick up, delivery), cargo trucking from/to Slovenia: Ljubljana and other cities.