AD REM carries out all customs related procedures by representing clients at customs. We prepare not only the documents, but also represent customer at a physical inspection of cargo and directly communicate with customs officers. Qualified employees of “AD REM” also represent for a legal and a natural person at the Customs of Vilnius Airport.
We can represent customer in Territorial Customs or the Customs Department on issues related to the client's declaration of goods (supplies requests, getting permits, we extend a time limit, we get clarification on customs procedures or customs-enforcement of the classification of goods. We also provide commercial samples to customs laboratory for classification of goods, etc..).
Our clients can entrust all things to AD REM customs brokers. To become our client, you need to sign customs brokerage contract.
Contact us in Klaipeda: CONTACTS, GET A QUOTE
Contact us in Vilnius: CONTACTS, GET A QUOTE